Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Our studio...

Syam told me, her 'tabung' was penuh already. That was for our trip to NZ end of this year..InsyaAllah. We plan to visit Lord of The Ring land and of course for Syam, it was like sirih pulang ke gagang becoz  she studied in NZ during 90's. Not only me and Syam, two others is Eita and maybe GG, Syam's friend. All of them were crafter and im the new one involved with them. And it was fun.
Why fun? Every time when we met up, so many things to discuss and so many gossip to share. Positive and negative, secret admire, secret lover, forbidden love etc but please dont get me wrong, (it doesn't reflect us, it was only a way to discharge stress) i can say it was hillarious fun, because this is the only way we release our burden in, laugh, craft and definitely travel eventho we went to mamak for pull tea..we like that! ( i suppose to roger Nenet Penne and thot that we will have coffee session at Bangi Kopitiam at night but unfortunately she's busy with the project paper, so maybe next time ya Net, kita berfoya-foya..hehe)
Why fun? Every time when we met up, so many things to discuss and so many gossip to share. Positive and negative, secret admire, secret lover, forbidden love, gossiping here and there etc but please don't get me was hillarious fun because this is the only way we release our burden in, laugh, craft and definitely travel eventho we went to mamak for pull tea..we like that!
Sharing is caring? Is it? Ok yada yada yada and finally we plan to have our own studio..konon la kan. So suddenly Syam or Eita, (i didn't remember because most of the time all of us talked) poped up with a studio name Ejaculation Studio (EJC STUDIO)! Ouchh..from a thousand names, ejaculation appeared..ceitttt! Ok ma'am, can you please reveal is there any secret behind the name? Why you choose this word, which is not nice to say and it obvioulsy remind us to the scene that so secretive and taboo??? And Syam prepared the answer: Well ejaculation is doesn't meant that ejaculation of liquid from our body but it also is an ejaculation of idea into paper, fabric, canvas etc. Got it? And nothing wrong with ejaculation but all of us look like instantly jumped to the 'scene'. Hahahaha....why la?
Honestly, that was our rambling wild imagination while makan-makan because we really want to have our own studio even now every one of us have our private studio at home but we thought that  if we have a huge space called studio, we can organise a workshop of craft etc. Also do the makan-makan and sembang-sembang of percambahan idea regarding craft thing!! Ahaa..
Fine, back to reality, last two days was a busy and sleepy day for me because i had to finish half dozens of book binding to give to Chekem. He has an appointment with our handsome sifu's wife, siapa tak suka Datuk M Nasir? I like him much...ehh i mean his songs eh. I was thinking how nice if i can gave a book to Datin Marlia Musa as souvenier. Finally, a book was given and she bought 3 more..wahahahaha i like and the money will goes to my tabung NZ. Alhamdulillah. Traveller bajet ciput, kena penuhkan tabung baru boleh JJCM.
Some of us is really lucky because they don't have to think twice about money but as for me, i have to be wise and nice interms of mau belanja sana sini. Mana mau bayar rumah, mana bau bayar bil and mana mau jalan sana sini..kannnn! Then the project is begins..jenggggg!
Mirror mirror on the book, can you tell me who is the one who will book the ticket for me to fly away? Then the mirrow answer, no one except you urself! Life is cruel but it can be nice if you know how to treat them..ok  know the way. Work smart..
Ok for those who looking for souvenir for the loves one, and if u interested to buy this hand made book binding with the mirror at the front, please do not hesitate to roger me at Its limited edition and i only have 5 mores.
Mirror mirror on the wall..can you tell me who will be my love?? Then the mirror said, no one, you don't hv even one because ur vampire..muehehehe! Heii vampire mana boleh mix dengan human kan...
Mirror mirror on the wall, can you tell me who is the one who will be the first to email me to order the book? Then the mirror answer, can't tell you! Just wait and see...bluerkkkk! Then i said, if they buy the book, they will get more than book because im generous...caya dak? Kalau tak caya, cer try email dan order...
Among the cover..songket is always my choice..evergreen, unique and versatile...
This is for beading and embroidery series hand made book binding...added value with bead and gold metal...
Peacock from Hiral Studio. I like the vibrant colour of it..
Some more beading..Chanel charm for the girlish book..

Dear ALLAH, i only ask for a good sake of my beautiful health, so that i can pray and work hard and do anything good in life..


  1. Oh dear oh dear they are so gorgeous ... you are so talented tak yah tanya mirror tu hehehe ... and nak jalan jalan dengan Sham and kawan kawan ye ... all the best ... may your tabung fill up soonest :)

    and ameen for doa, yours, mine and all ...

    1. Real Life in Malaysia
      Sist dear, thank Allah for giving me a creative hand and that i make any craft..hehe
      Yer nak jalan dengan sham and de gang insyaAllah..
      err i kena tanya gak mirror tu who is my mr right, then mirror tu jawab no no no...kikiki!

  2. sekelip mata aja dah diborong...good bisnes lah...

    1. Chekem,
      tengok pulak sapa pemborongnya kan..
      tq a chekem..ehh bila kosong? nak heret awak ke busaba thai pulak..bertomyam kita..nak?

  3. Subhanallah.. Cantik nyer..
    Adik manissssss.. reserve 1 ke K.Sham.
    Takut x sempat nak ber-email mcm2.
    Harap maklum.. tenet kt building ni siang2 TENAT.

    Blink.. idea best ni.

    1. kakak lawa,
      saya sudah reserve dua..ini hari mau pi cari itu pepel songket juga ada..mau ka..hikhikhik..

      dah dapat idea best??

  4. Errr...tabung ke Jerman dah penuh kan? kan? kan?

    1. Khairul Abdullah
      Tabung ke Jerman ehh...dah dahh!
      Sentap kepala fikir banyak tawaran makan angin di Jerman neh..hahaha!

  5. Wahhhhh.. bakal ke NZ. Nak pergi jugak Tapi kena kumpul duit dulu. :)

    1. Reenapple,
      insyaAllah, aku plan jer dear, kalo tak jadi, aku pi Narathiwat jer balik kampung rumah kroni...huhu

  6. just noticed ... kenapa letak kek pelangi kat muka, tidur kena gigit semut:)

    1. Real Life in Malaysia
      saja jer, nak suh semut geget...kikiki
      muahhh xoxo!

  7. busy mengalahkan PM maklumlah kabinet baru nak set up ni..
    sorrylah i dont have time nak lepak2 sebab time untuk diri i pun tak ada...kepala dok fikir project paper, project paper jerrrrrr...

    1. Nenet Penne
      ya lah U..dah habis election, kabinet pulak nak setup..dah setup kabinet, angkat sumpah pulak lagi..last-last sekali kami-kami ni yg letih tak habis-habis..whatever, 20 hb ni i keluar dari Malaysia...hehe baru boleh free dari story mory politik..

  8. Sha, teruknya.. you always spell my name wrongly; SYAM. Insya Allah ada rezeki kita ke NZ hujung tahun ni… kerja keras dan SEMANGATTTTTT:)

    1. Little Syam
      Ouchhh sorry beb, i dah betulkan..hehe ampun eh..jangan marah, nanti kena jual..

      Ok kerja keras! kerja keras!

  9. dari dulu edd mmg kreatif...

  10. cantik2nya kak
    saya pun buat note book sndiri
    pakai recycle paper yg warna warni
    tp pastinya x secantik akak punya

  11. Irfa,
    cantik nombor dua, yang penting recycle paper, safe nature..kannnn!


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