Monday, 7 January 2013


Last night she text me and we had a very long chat session via phone. I know, im a comfort shoulder to her and few more..and i wanted to do that because i want. I want to share my joy and happines towards life with everybody who embrace life and love together. I have nothing to offer but i have a lot of time for her and im a good listener too. That is my SCR as human!

She told me she can't forget the man that she loves eventho the man was taken. I told her that's what we call fate and she had to accept because we basically plan for the good thing in life but we never ever can't have it if Allah didn't permit to be happen in our life, but as human and belongs to our Creator and Almighty, we shouldnt gave up to please, talk and appeal because HE knows what's in our mind.

Yes i know, falling in love is a most 'expensive' experience among us. It can change us 360 degrees day and night and pardon me if i said people willing to die because of love.People willing to do everything in life for the sake of love. Everything about love is wonderful and happines. To love somebody is equall as you empower yourself about everything. But love also is a poison that can kill you!

And she asked me again, why it happen to her.. my dear sist, I want to tell you this..

.. you know in life, we receive a wonderful opportunity, and that is to love. Love comes in many forms. You love people in different ways and for different reasons, depending upon how they have touched your life. Love is a very powerful word and can describe a multitude of feelings, but its main context carries the same meaning. And you must remember to love someone is doesn't meant that you can be with them..

Please think about it...


Note: PAH ... ITALY


  1. PAH, is that somebody's name?

  2. ssh nk ckp psl ni kak.. moga kwn akak tu tabah.. ada hikmah di sebalik semua yg berlaku.. mungkin ada yg lebih baik utk dia akan dtg..

    1. Tina,
      kawan akak ni baya Tina kot, 29 usianya dan the guy tu muda setahun. depa ni sama-sama nak tapi guy tu kahwin dengan pilihan bapanya...dah langsung masing2 terpaksa melalui situasi begini..akak pun kesian nau kat depa ni..

  3. die die die...ganas tak? ha haha..


  4. Tibe-tibe, teringat kwb sy di Selatan sane....

    1. Farah
      rezeki masing-masing kan.
      itu bahagian dia,
      bahagian kita tak tahu lagi macam mana..

  5. Once she finds the new love..Insya Allah she will forget the previous man..:)

    1. DZ
      She already found her loves, the guy..
      at the moment she try to be cool as well as accepted that was her fate..

      i pray for her too..

  6. hope that she's strong....forget the past....find a new love...that's gonna be much better from the previous one....

    1. Rietta,
      yes i wish her same as your wish..but 'said' is easy rather than to be done..bak kata pepatah berat mata memandang berat lagi bahu yang memikul. At the moment she's ok because her parents also support her much..

  7. siapa pun dia,semoga dia bertemu yang lebih baik dr lelaki itu

    1. Irfa
      ya sebaik-baik doa, kita harap yg terbaik untuk dia. hal ini boleh berlaku kepada siapa saja kan..

  8. Hrmmmmm akak tak tau nak cakap apa dah sebab akak terlampau kesian dan whom it may day you will finds a true love,insyaallah.

    1. Kak Sha,
      Saya pun berasa seperti saya yang mengalaminya dan tak pasti sama ada saya setabah dia atau tidak.
      insyaAllah lets pray for the best to her..

  9. whatever that you've shared, it's very true indeed sis... and hope that ur sis will be occay and strong to go through the days and move on... I've bought the t-shirt, wore it and burned it... and I do know how does it feels...

    1. Farah Waheeda,
      There's so many ways to cure the 'feeling.'
      And as for her..she choose to talk to me and she knew that i posted the story here. And she appreciate all the support that we gave to her...
      Thanks dear..only the one who experienced it knew how does it feels..yes agree with u..

  10. for whoever she is "love is the most precious feelings - whether its treated you good or bad..just savour it. Everybody in the world have a fair share of heartbroken just like you do. You will thank God one day for giving you such experiences"

    1. Khairul Abdullah,
      ..when we talk abt love, two things that we realised is to be or not to be..cud be yes or no too and for those who had it wisely and nicely..thot they are the luckiest people but for those who didn't get what they want..there must be cause and effect, m pretty sure there is something good in future waiting for them. HE knows the best for us..

  11. Cinta tidak semestinya bersatu.

    1. Kak DInas,
      Dan yang tidak bersatu itulah akan terus dikenang sebagai sesuatu yang membahagiakan akibat peredaran masa dan detik..

  12. Salam


    Allah tahu apa yg terbaik buat hambanya

    1. Salam bapak,
      Ya..perancanganNya sangat hebat,
      cuma kita tidak tahu dan
      tenanti-nanti apa seterusnya...

  13. Aku rasa aku faham ini. Faham situasi yg dialami.. aku pun tak tahu apa yang akan aku rasa bila satu hari nati lelaki yang aku tercinta dalam diam tu berkhwin dengan kekasihnya itu. Maka aku harap aku akan jumpa seseorang yang akan bikin aku lupakan dia...

    #tetiba nangis lak baca ini. huuu

    1. reenapple,
      thanks sebab faham..aku rasa kita mengalami banyak perkara yang sama dalam hidup. harap kau tabah! nanges lah kalau ia boleh buat kau release..

  14. "Love also is a poison that can kill u"

    Sangat benar sekali!!


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