Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Rachel Allen foccacia's...

I know foccacia but never try to bake it since i don't have a recipe of it. I can google or else browse at another food blog but lazy to do that. As you know me, i prefer to get a first hand recipe because im pretty sure it confirm jadi when im willing to bake it.

Yesterday, I met Rachel Allen and i never know that she is a very friendly chef, humble and very inspiring. Her foccacia made her more gorgeous. Don't forget to watch her at Hypp TV, Easy Meal with Rachel Allen.

Tell you, she teached us how to bake foccacia, boil a broccoli yummy soup and prepare artichoke salad and made an apple pie in just 30  minute. It was great because fast and yummy..burp!
Well..first and foremost..i will not let her go before i take a picture and asked her signature at my lime green apron. It was given by BBC TV. The session was awesome and i asked Paul too..(Paul is the owner of The Food Studio @ Amarin Kiara), how much is the fee for kelas masak-masak at his studio. Guess what? It's cheaper. It is below RM200 for 5 recipes. Not bad!


  1. Dah banyak selebriti chef yg akak jumpa kan? Jeles pulak sy. Tapi, foccacia tu kak....aduhai...yummeh!

    1. Farah,
      Ada la juga sorang dua. Part paling best bila tengok depa masak depan kita, turunkan beberapa petua dan rahsia masakan dari dapur mereka sendiri..fuhh tu yang paling berharga...sebab kalau kita tengok kat TV, mereka bercakap satu hala, kita tak boleh tanya. Ini, kita ada depan mereka dan boleh tanya terus..ilmu percuma!

  2. Adoiii!!! dun make me jealous Sha! I'm going to burn you!
    Hahaha. I had once bought a book written by Rachel and gave it to a friend of my mum because she loved baking so much.

    Guess what?
    She cried.

    I wonder what will happen if she sees your picture with her:)

    1. cHeRyNa PiReS@Sha
      Hehe..burn me pls..i will prepare foccacia for u then!
      Well guess im lucky because had a chance to meet her personally. Yes she’s adorable enuff to make me drooling. Her cooking style is simple and yet delicious...that’s made me suka! suka!
      And please don’t tell her about my pic with Rachel, wonder if she get mad and kill me...hehe!

  3. rm40 satu resepi ye?
    akak buat la nanti saya dtg makan.hehehe

    1. rfa,
      Okeh nanti kita buat makan-makan lagi yek...kena datang lepak lelama..hihi

  4. nak tanya.yg merah2 kat topping tuh, cili ke.?!

    1. Sepa,
      a ahh cili benggala / capsicum yang sipanggang, kemudian buang kulit dan masuk dala minyak zaitun..ada juga jual kat kedai. kalau kat KL aku cari kat cold storage...boleh letak juga herba rosemary..

    2. uiiish complicated yer... aku paham satu jeh. cooking is about removing moisture, and add no more than 5 flavors. :)

    3. ala mana de complicated...sempoi je ko...cer try buat, kalu ko dok KL aku invite ko ngan family meh makan rumah aku...bawak dah hana, hata dan hasif dan mak dia sekali...jamu selera..

    4. kak, ada sorang lagi. husna - the eldest. :)

  5. yang penting kena kreatif...

    u buat, i dgn irfa datang makan..ok kan kan kan...

    pannini pun sedap gak...

    1. Boleh boleh..boleh datang makan...dengan syarat kena tdo kat windsor...kena ikut i pergi tour beramas mesra dengan vampire yg ada kat windsor neh...nak tak? nak? ekekeke

    2. lady winsor ko jumpa omputih terus speeking ni kenapa kang dah berterabur cik ina nak gi google translate . cam sedap je fokasia tu .

    3. Cik Ina Do Do Cheng,
      Ala kita bantai2 je Cik Ina..konon kita perasan dok masak dengan dia untuk BBC..kehkehkeh...Cik Ina baik try, memang sedap kalau makan panas2. Tak pun tunggu siaran dia kat BBC Channel, dia buat masakan pantas tapi sedap..:)
      Cik INa, kita tak puas hati sebab tak dapat nak reply kat blog cik ina...memang box tu dah tak de eh? kalo ada bleh sembang situ nak tanya cik ina resipi itu ini...tengok firdaus makan tu meleleh tau..hihi

  6. aku suka makan...
    aku malas masak/buat tapi.

    1. aku dah agak..ini elemen anak bongsu yang paling ketara..sejibik macam adik jantan aku...

    2. ala ko nih Dino, saje merendah diri. dulu masa kat Taman Maju, bila turn ko masak, mesti ramai yg excited. cuma, bila turn mat Jon, semua buat2 berselera, nak jaga hati. hehehe...

    3. err Mat Jon tu sapa pulak? ko ke sepa..kalu dino tu aku tahu le sapa...budak yang rasa dia comel tu kan?? ekekeke....

    4. mat jon tu orang jawa tapi rasa macam mat saleh...

      seperti mana elusifnya aku, masakan aku juga sangat ekslusif... keh keh keh

    5. ooo mat jon tu jawa eh..aku teringat kawan aku..nama aidijonli...jawa pekat tapi kami semua anggap dia mat saleh sebab nama kelasss..haha. Skang mana pergi si jonli neh..

      eh try masak hantar aku sepinggan, lulus ke tidak...baru boleh claim eksklusif...hik!

  7. menggelupur terus perutku!
    ah. sedapnyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!


    p/s: sudah terima Ex-Boifren?


    1. Ayin,
      menggelupur eh? ekeke...sedap tau foccacia ni..
      o ya akak dan terima..mekaseh..comel sangat book mark tu. Suka! suka! suka! Hihi..

  8. Fuhhh nampak sodap & mesti sodap tuh! Suka tengok gambaq no4 tu, melelehhh ayaq lioq cek niii!

    1. Kak dinas,
      mai la turun KL, buleh kita jamu selera naa...kikiki..kak saya lagi suka foccacia tu sebab ada capsicum dan rosemary...yg no 4 tu pai epal...pun sedap gak..heee

  9. Oh that's such a cool opportunity, Sha!! If I were an aspiring Michelin Star pursuant like you, I would be camping out with her and picking up cool dishes.

    1. hobbit1964,
      hehehe its not easy dear..but that was a great opportunity standing really close to her and stil remember her ethusiast of baking and cooking..then of coz the delicious hot foccacia..

  10. asal aku dtg kesini (pagi2 buta) mesti bab makanan.


    terliur jadinya.

    1. Telor Power,
      kau sila masuk jamu mata yer..jamu tekak itu belakang kira juga da cerita...kikiki!

  11. aku menelan air liur bila tngok gmbar makanan tu.. =___=

    1. Reenapple
      oohh itu tandanya deria lihat kau masih ada koherensi dengan deria rasa....:)

  12. kelas masak...kene pertimbangkan..utk masa depan..kikiki

    1. CaDLyNN,
      meh...akak nak buat kelas memasak sikit lagi..jangan lupa register yer...:)

  13. woowww..... bestnya LW dapat jumpa RA... tumpang seronok..

    nanti masak kat kitorang ekk...

    1. m.u.l.a.n
      anytime...boleh je masak untuk u all, tapi kena mai makan kat rumah i yer...hik!

  14. gambar yang 4-3 aku rasa biasa-biasa aja. belum mengoda selera ku tapi bila snpai gambar nombor 4.. gila air liur meleleh lah LW....

  15. sedap tak kak?
    sedap tak kak?
    sedap tak kak?

    tudiaa! hehe
    buat nt bak sy sikit kak.

    1. Niza Romli
      Sedap...kalau nak, kena mai windsor..hehe


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