Sunday, 7 October 2012

About to do...

At my age..i suppose to know what i want to do in my life. I talk to a few peoples about their past experience. Why did they still studying and working in their field without boring. How come they persistant in what they doing, full of pleasure and patient!

How did they manage their life and what did they do to overcome the problem. Most of them told me: “Do the things that you like to do.” No enforcement and no pushing, but if the problem comes, that was the worst part but then they still in a strong position, physically and mentally.

Never show the weakness of human because Allah is always be there for us. They said, that’s what they call challenge of being a boss, an employee and working on their own basis. No hurt feeling, no cheating, no back stubbing and life is about to try and error.

When i look back, half of my life was spend in a ‘pressure’ circumstances. I know..when they wish me ‘semoga panjang usia,’ it actually become short and short. I do not suppose to waste it. November will see a big scenario in my life. May Allah grant me with patient and luck! 


  1. All the best to you in whatever it is you're venturing into in November, dik. Semoga segala urusan dipermudahkan olehNya, aminnn!

    1. Tq Kak Dinas. I know i can do it..with your do'a..insyAAllah.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sepa, i read that what u wrote about.Apsal delete? Ok pe..:)

    2. kekadang, aku dalam blues... ketika itu la aku jadi merapu. dan sebab bila aku baca balik, terasa sangatla merapu. hehehe... sori ar.

    3. yang merapu itulah yang aku nak baca..sebab kemerapuan itu adalah kebenaran sebenarnya..

  3. good luck and best wishes eh. :)

  4. gud luck LW,

    apa sekalipun buatlah apa yang paling kita suka..

    hurm.. apa ada di November? hehehe.. ingin tahu :D

    1. Nong Andy, sudah tiba masa aku nak buat apa yang aku suka..nak buat sejak dulu...hehe. Tunggu ya, kalau diizinkan Allah..November muncul juga...

  5. hey... november is my birthday...
    working and studying .. to get a better pay and for the betterment of life...

    net.. malas nak log in..bhahahaa...

    1. Net,
      Ooo really? When is that? Okeh ill check the previous entry, during November...hik!

  6. Love you as always, my lady:)

    I should read this again tomorrow as it's going to be a long week to go through and I'm very sure the "pressure" circumstances will be in the picture.

    Nevertheless, I'm doing something I like and I pray that it will remain.


    1. cHeRyNa PiReS
      O Thanks dear..yeahh sometimes we never plan for it but it suddenly happen and doing well...i just follow the flow, the nature of human...when we need to mute, we mute, when we need to loud, we loud and when we need to make a 'statement', we will do it..

  7. berserah kepada Tuhan, biar Tuhan yang aturkan jalan hidup.
    Tapi, kena redhalah dengan susur jalan hidup itu...

    Disarankan juga, please have your plan backed-up.
    please think of several future scenarios plus risks/hurdles
    get the possible answers/ jalan keluar for each scenario.
    how? learn from others' experiences bcoz others must have been done and got through it.

    semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan...

    1. Nizam.Aiff
      Ya betul, Tuhan sudah sediakan jalan hidup kita, cuma kita saja tidak mengetahuinya sehingga ia benar-benar terjadi dan hendak menunggu ia benar-benar terjadi itulah, amat gelisah..
      Ya juga, mesti ada back up plan in all aspect at least for six month..

      Thank you!

  8. LW,

    "If you have the desire, passion & enthusiasm to do something, nothing in the world will stop you."

    You go girl! walk thru obstacles of life cos life is a journey. Cherish every moment of it ;)

    *Wish u luck and all the best*

    1. Eliza,
      Looks like you know what im gonna do..thanks dear..yeahh lets make it happen and real..
      Hmm i wish one fine day, i can read ur blog too...:)

      TQ! tq! xoxo..

  9. Hi LW

    Nov is my birthday husband's too. Kita celebrate sama nak? is short..make it sweet (tu org puteh cakap)..saya plak rasa turn to Allah if we feel lost..He will show the way..I plak will show u the 'way' to my home if you choose to come..hehehe

    1. All Along the Way
      O my dear, macam tahu tahu saja apa i nak buat this coming Nov ni. Yes of course, firstly turn to Allah and after that baru merangka-rangka yang lain.
      Those few days i dok plan sama Net nak visit Aurora cuma sekarang ni agak terhad sebab Net dah start class...tak pe Nov ni insyaAllah i dah free sikit, tunggu Net free pulak..wahh boleh sambut birthday besar2 tu..


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