Tuesday, 3 July 2012

A child in us...

Cute little doll...
I believe that there is a child in us no matter how old you are. Honestly, at my age now im still looking for dolls to collect, buy or keep it as mind if i like the dolls. Recently i bought a dolltopia from Little Syam but already handed it to little Zara Sophea when i visited her last week. Few months back i bought Pocoyo and gave it to Azra Nurdinie because she likes Pocoyo much rather than me. I still have few dolls from plasctic, sponge and cloth. During childhood, emak likes to create fish dolls from kekabu and gave it to everyone of us so that we wont fight each other coz everybody got one with a special creation. Emak was awesome due to craft.

If you remember, there was one time when mother likes to buy rubber dolls (correct me if im wrong for their kids). Emak also, will buy me the doll and i got one in a pink rubber like pic. I saw the rubber dolls at Syam house yesterday. It suddenly make me said ‘owhhhh’ when i saw it sitting alone in a wooden cupboard. She is..she is the dolls that i had before when i was 6yrs old...ohh kalaulah emak ada, im pretty sure she will telling me about that too...how valued it was for me..how i love to keep it in my gerobok and how i play with it everyday. I appreciated it like an expensive dolls as if it meant too much for me.

If i can have it now, i will buy it a half of dozen. Present it to my 3 little nieces althought they never know that was my dolls when i was at the same age with them..i want they learn how i love them like i love the dolls too...to my dear nieces, Nur Aisyah @ kakak esah, Najla Amani @ kakak lala and Azra Nurdinie @ dinie...be a good girls..


  1. Salam.

    Yup. I can't accept that I'm an adult now. hee..

  2. aku pun.. stil rinsu my childhood

  3. i stil cant let go my comic haha..

  4. Betoi la, there's a child in all of us. For me it's not the dolls but the childhood books. I can't let go of the Nancy Drew series, the Anne of Green Gable series, Enid Blyton books (my favourite is the Magic Faraway Tree), etc. Indahnya :)

  5. i tumpang main my gegirl punya dolls ie barbis etc.. sbb dulu2 tak ada kan... i pulak yg over the river beli kan tapi she likes to play nerf gun wth her brother la pulak.. aiyaaa....

  6. asal creepy gila muka patung tu?
    betul betul

  7. barang mainan aku semua ntah kemana ntah hahahaha

    tapi still satu jer masih ada dalam simpanan di rumah kampung aku, iaitu senapang kayu buatan arwah atuk aku. yang diberikan pada aku utk bermain bersama sepupu2 aku yang lebih tua dari aku.

    tak sangka aku cucunya yg bertuah sekali diantara sepupuku yg lain

  8. Salam cP,
    yerp..if can, i wanna be kids forever but of coz cannot la kan...tak pe..at least boleh duduk dalam circumstances kanak-kanak pun ok coz i have ramai anak buah..

  9. ReenApple,
    zaman kanak-kanak aku suram dan pasif, sebab tu la ni aku support apa saja anak buah aku nak buat, main, panjat etc..

  10. Nong Andy,
    Comic! is a must...shinta suka apa?

  11. Dinas Aldi,
    Kak Dinas, as i said, i always like to collect anak patung...dulu ada dari vietnam, cantik sangat anak patung tapi lama-lama dah comot so saya buang...sekarang ada simpan yang guna kekabu punya...:)

  12. m.u.l.a.n
    Hehe share dengan tuan punya gegurl ya..my niece suka pocoyo..ke mana-mana dia bimbit pocoyo biru tu..sekali pandang dia pun dah macam pocoyo cara bercakapnya...sangat terpengaruh dengan kartun biru tu..

  13. Abang Zam,
    creepy sebab dah dimakan usia, kalau baru beli, cumell tau anak patung tu..bila tekan ada kuar bunyi..haaa tu yang nostalgianya..zaman kau kecik anak patung ni dah tak de abang...

  14. Telor Power,
    wahhh untung kau jadi cucu kesayangan...aku ada banyak barang mainan yang aku suka, antaranya set masak-masak yang boleh digunakan di atas api betul..aku main kaw-kaw masa kecik2 dulu...tak ingat susah apa pun..hehe

  15. i rasa i ada dulu patung mcm ni warna merah tapi dah buang...
    kalu i tahu menda mcm ni adalah antik, sanggup i simpan.

  16. yup masa kecik tak pikir pun masalah yg ada di dewasa hari sekrang ni. syok jer....

  17. wanna stay young?then dont forget that we are still little boys and girls deep inside... :)

  18. bila tengok je gmbar doll ni terus teringat zaman kanak-kanak dulu, seriously sangaaat rindu dulu2..


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