Monday, 25 June 2012

This is not a good sign..

I started Monday with something bad..
Stress came along..
Stress and depress often turn people on to crazy.
Under pressure, we couldn't think apropriately.
When someone pressure us, we tend to be rebel.
Rebel without a cause..
A poison ivy blue jelly to reduce stress!
I did this last nite..the blue poison ivy jelly with peach and prune, jelly-ing and eating...reduce stressssssssssssss...sigh!

Bp: 150/95 ( Dr told me its considered hight)
The thing that i really hate to do..
she gave it too..
take xanax .5mg for few nights...
God, pls help me!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. do take care dear...hope the stress had gone away, tergeliur melihat all the foods in your been so dedicated & focus..that's the way girl..kadang kadang lalat tu asyik terbang kat kepala, memang tak kacau, tapi irritating, kalau dah geram ambik jer penyapu..pukul bagi lari..tapi kadangkala kalau dah sakit hati sangat, ambik penyembur terus...:) LOL //hugs

  3. Syam dear,
    i hv no prob with lalat but then when it came in a wrong time..felt weird and iritating and i guess that was a sign for something..maybe bad news because lalat generally related to the negative thing kan...quite worried when thinking abt some more things happen lately...pheww! Hope everything will be ok by 1st july..hugs too!

  4. Salam LW.
    Janganlah stress is too short to be stressful! Enjoy every bit!

  5. Nape ni kak? Chill kak eh? Nsb bek ade jelly tu. At least, boleh reduce akak punye stress. Mkn jelly, takpe...lagi untung dr bt mende yg takde pekdah. Hahahah!

    Kreatif tol akak ni. Msk main dgn color. Cool.

  6. Uncle, is too short and i try to occupied it with all the best thing that i can do in a short time. Apart of it is blogging and meeting people like you..hehe..teaaa tarrrikk satowwww! Lias Corner for sure aaa..ahahaha

  7. Mommyfara @ Pok Amai Amai
    Hi Farra..kadangkala kita tidak mahu berada dalam situasi itu, tapi terpaksa melaluinya dalam usaha menyelesaikan urusan harian. Sama ada mahu atau tidak, life goes hook or by crook, we must face it wisely eventhought the deep down inside is totally oppose and can’t stand for it. At the moment i have no choice..rempuh saja dan berharap ‘period’ ini akan tamat soon..insyaAllah...Allah itu Maha Penyayang dan Maha Mengetahui...:) xoxo Aydin!

  8. kesian u.. sebab edit tu ke jadi stress? sorry la byk2...

    makan obat ya & pls get well soon...

  9. m.u.l.a.n
    No worries..bukan sebab tu lah dear...sebab lain...kikiki..ill manage it wisely..insyaAllah by 10 July it settle...can’t wait for that..

  10. apapun hope everything will be okay and run smoothly... take care buddy

    not good in advice others because myself need advice at this moment of time...

  11. bhya dowh stress2 ni.. aku pernah stress macam nk mati.. huuu.. last3 aku tidur bangun tu lega... hehehe. Tak ingat apa3...

  12. ah, patut kau roger aku. boleh pekena kopi o tadi...

  13. Nenet penne,
    Yeah I'll be fine short while worries..tadi kita dah sembang kan masa kat office..the text-ing session was like a dosage of medicine for me..thanks buddy! Tc:)

  14. ReenApple,
    Kalau kau pernah stress, kau tahu macam mana keadaannya. Stress akan membawa kepada banyak lagi nerve problem lain..aku masih boleh mengawal dengan beberapa sesi berbual dgn doktor..

  15. SM,
    Patutnya kau yg Roger aku. Aku mana tahu kau nak muncul di republic rakyat of Bangsar!

  16. Alamak..take care dik, kena turunkan bp tu..Semoga dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik olehNya.

    Aiseh blue jelly tu..gulp..

  17. aku ingat kau dah berangkat. aduyai...

  18. Dinas Aldi
    Thanks kak, saya sedang berusaha keras nak menurunkan BP supaya jauh daripada paras bahaya...caranya ialah masak! Food therapy ....haha lepas tu makan makan lagi..

    Aku belum berangkat, penganjur baru hubungi kata depa ada masalah...aku pergi tak pa, x pergi pun tak pa..kalu tak pergi aku boleh safe bajet dan hala ke tempat lain...

  19. takpe, kau pergi mana pun yang untungnya aku. dapat buah tangan.

  20. @LW
    ha ha texting session yesterday was indeed a good therapy laaa... ahakssss... kalau orang tak faham konfirm kita dah kena kan.... let keep it secret...

  21. take care lw
    sy doa yg baik2 utk lw

  22. kat umah saya ada ubat stress..berkesan n free of charged...come la

  23. a... blue jelly? itu kena buat sendiri la tu.. xdenya pernah haku jumpa blue jelly.

    *aku patut beli jelly utk tenangkan kepala bila stress :D thanks 4 the tips!

  24. bersenam...jaga kesihatan.

    reading BP baru masuk sekitar level 1 atau pun baru masuk border line.

  25. once ur able to keep ur stress intact, can u show me how to contain it? because im seriously under stress at the moment >_<

    and yes,u have.does this really work though?

  26. SM,
    InsyaAllah selagi aku ber'wang' mana2 yg masuk dalam list buddy dan tahan dengan kerenah aku..akan untung juga...

    Nenet Penne,
    yerp..we can do it as therapeutic really work and refresh my mind...tapi kena cari masa sesuai kan...:)

  27. Irfa,
    Thanks a lot dear..i doa for u too..happines is always with you...xoxo!

    All Along The Way..
    Ahaaaa saya tahu ubat stress tu...yang comel2 tu kan..lepas tu ada kaki dua, suka tocang rambut dan pegang botol susu...hahahah that is the best medicine tu..bila nak komot dia lagi neh...:)

  28. Nong Andy,
    Jelly tu warna krim biasa je tapi aku memandai2 pi titik warna biru sebab aku suka dengan nama poison ivy dan masa tu juga aku dok ingat biru tu cool!:)

    Telor Power,
    Sila jaga kesihatan..jangan jadi macam aku bro, kalau stress sket...naik mencanak readingnya sampai doktor kata aku nak buat suicide..chissss!

  29. Mr Clive,
    Let me tell you..having a good quality of friends may reduce your stress...and all of u here is very good to me...semua i reduce stress di sini instead of having a cup of coffee alone at home and coffee shop sometime...

  30. pergh sampai gitu tanggapan doktor.

  31. Telor Power,
    ye...aku pernah kena tahan kat emergency ward HUKM sehari suntuk sebab reading tak mahu turun 220/180..puas la nurse dok cek setiap sejam...ntah apa masalah, bacaan tak menurun pun...aku tak ingat stress apa masa tu..

  32. a ahh. aku tak ingat pasai pa stress..kepala tarak pening tetiba darah naik mencanak...macam ada pam supaya reading tinggi..


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