Sunday 3 June 2012


I definitely can't afford to buy a Cartier jewellery not even to wear it. But it's of my colleague gave the Cartier file to me and i kept it as my collection because it's too nice to throw it. I kept the red leather Cartier file since five years back and keep thinking what am i gonna do with this expensive item. And suddenly the idea pop up last night while im busy doing book binding.

As you know, my latest addiction is book binding and now i know what will i do with a bunch of paper/file/recycle paper in my house that i kept it since few years ago. KA used to say that im rubbish collector but i knew i can do something with it. Im gonna change 'the rubbish' to be a 'RM' soon...just wait and see..
This is kettle stitch binding. It's not perfect because the tape that i used was a cheaper one and the quality is not so good..but it is ok lahh not for sale..just for my collection...
Another angle of book binding..Looks like cantik but if u see properly, there is still a failure...
This is red leather Cartier book binding. At first, i thought i wanna sell it to Amalia coz she ordered from me yesterday and told me that she wanted to give the book to her friend as birtday gift. But i remember she wants a lace and beading for the birthday gal..who's very lady usual..teenage want something feminin and nice and of course must put some added value like ribbon, crystal and sort of eccesories..i will blog about it later.
Finally siap gak buku ni, aku bertukang dengan ketuk sana ketuk sini masa nak pasang metal clip pada jam 1 pagi. Ntah apa kata jiran sebelah, duduk sensorang tapi bertukang memalam buta. Sorry pakcik, gua saja buang tabiat...hik!
The size is small but illusion optic and the technic of photography made it looks huge...and me too crazy to snap here and there because red colour is awesome, vibrant and powerful!
Belum siap lagi. Tape kaler pink tu spoil je..tape murah..len kali aku kena beli cotton tape yang berkualiti supaya kemas dan perfect.
Half way to of the book binding step. Late nite weekend, I suppose to see the movie with friend at Jusco Balakong and forgot that it is school holiday time. Im pretty sure the cinema is fully occupied and finally cancelled it because i hate to be in a crowded place...(alasan sebab memang tak mau pi pun..hahaha)
Kertas sengaja dicampur..bosan tengok satu kaler. O ya, jangan tanya kedai mana ada jual buku ini..tarak..hehe..sapa nak kena order dari Windsor..
I purposely mix and match the colour of the paper..different from another book. Sometimes colour mixture give a great result for those who dare to be different..u have a guts to wear orange and purple in you? Heheh..i wish!
Haa dah habis aku kerjakan file leather ini semata-mata nak ambil logo Cartier..lepas ni akan ada logo LV etc...nak kena selongkar koleksi file yang bertimbun kat rumah.
Here is the red leather Cartier file. Was given to me by colleague long time ago..I kept it because it is limited edition..rare and unique.
See..the hammer. Knock the head if u notty hah...
Here i am...the red leather Cartier..i'll keep it as my collection of book binding since im mad of these kinda hobby...thanks to Syam. I love you teacher...hihi!


  1. okeh.. aku sangat berminat. idea just pop up bila baca new hobby Lw ni.. all the while kan aku dok print hasil cerpen aku dalam kertas A4 lepas tu semua jadi sampah haha.. now i was thinking, kalau Lw bukukan hasil cerpen itu utk koleksi peribadi aku? Cuma cari kertas yang sesuai print dan material yang lainnya biarlah LW yang aturkan? hard cover book weh! aku membayangkan buku tulisan aku sendiri dlm bentuk hardcover wah.. tetiba rasa teruja. Nak juga isi mini library aku dengan buku dari tulisan sendiri walaupun isinya hanya aku-aku saja yang baca huhuhu.. gud idea??

  2. Nong Andy,
    Boleh saja...apa kata kau reward diri dengan buku cantik-cantik dan di dalamnya adalah karya kau sendiri. Aku dah plan nak buat buku sendiri, nak kumpul segala resipi kesayangan aku sebab buku resipi aku kan hilang hari tu...apa-apa hal kita roger/pm yeah..boleh discuss...hehe...o ya aku dah lama nak tanya lukisan orang-orang kat heading blog kau mana? Aku suka tengok sebab salam kat retis kesayangan aku teww...hikhikhik!

  3. hohoho..

    ya. nanti smpai masa aku Pm LW. aku memang teruja ni. aku berangan-angan kononnya dlm buku tu nanti ada gambar2 yg mcm aku taruh dlm blog hehehe(cerpen yg aku print aku tu aku print sekali gambar yg aku letak dlm blog hehehe)

    ya.. masih belum di jumpai buku resepi itu. pelik bin ajaib. Bunian manakah yg meminjamnya :)

    *Kartun lanun itu? oh.. aku simpan dulu. nanti kalau aku rindu kartun itu aku akan gantikan balik :) oh tak sangka LW pon suka gambar mereka itu :)

  4. mcm passport pun ada.. heee~~.. gurau je kak.. kalo buat diari mesti comel kan..

  5. Nong Andy,
    A ah..aku pun dah pening cari, dah tabur garam segala bagai...tetap tak aku anggaop ia dah tak mahu berbakti lagi kepada aku dan bertukar tangan kepada orang lain. maybe aku terlupa selit antara timbunan akhbar dan dijual kepada old newspaper punya orang..
    Ok apa-apa roger aa..

  6. HaniSsyira,
    Ya betul macam passpot kan dik..memula tu akak pun tak perasan tapi bila belek2 ye sejibik..hehe. Akak nak buat buku phone..

  7. eh kreatifnya sis...

    akak ada jam tangan cartier...
    kenangan lama punya cerita hehe

  8. waaahh... sangat cool & kreatif..

    i like...

  9. dlmnya kertas kosong eh?
    cartier... memang i pun tak mampu
    scrap turns out to be something valuable is owesomeeee

  10. Sist Queenie,
    Wow! Jam Cartier? Huhu...hebatlah kakak...I ada file Cartier saja..hikhikhik! Janji Cartier ye dak...:)

    Awak lagi cool...tu haaa penyu tu...lagi cool! Hihi...

  11. Nenet Penne,
    A ahh...kertas yang I lipat sendiri...kertas recycle..
    That day u tak masuk bilik I sebab berkimbuh dengan kertas. Kalau u masuk mesti u tergezut tengok...hahaha. Ada stok animal planet dan beberapa jenama lagi, tunggu masa nak recycle...

  12. Hi!

    This is one nice DIY project. Boleh buat $$$ jugak ni.. :)

  13. cantik, kreatif...

  14. so the thing that kept u busy,yielded a very good jap jap...awesome result!hehehe

    yang paling suka tu...yang penamaan tu...yang cartier that! :D

  15. semakin kretip.....

    mesti dulu subjek seni A+

  16. Azuan,
    Wish that..sambil buat tu mata saya pun nampak $$$..hikhikhik!

    Khairul Abdullah,
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :)

    Mekaseh...kreativiti aku datang macam air krim lolipop. Masa tu rasa nak makan, masa tu juga kena pergi beli...

  17. Mr Clive,
    O yeahh im addict with dating @that-ing ..stitching, binding, glue-ing, pressing and finishing. Finally taraaa!

    Telor Power,
    A++ ya..hahaha! Ntah aku kalau suka buat sesuatu tu bro, aku akan buat non-stop sampai cemuih tapi nampak gayanya dengan book binding ni aku tak akan cemuih le sebab dari scrap paper boleh tukar jadi $$$ kan..awesome tu!

  18. peliknye care binding.. tahan lama ke? tapi hasil die.. memang cantik!

  19. kay_are,
    Memang tahan lama. Manual punya style..heee...pelik tapi cantik kan?


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 Tiba-tiba teringat pasal sate pulak tengah hari ni.. Aidiladha aku tak pernah sama setiap tahun. Pada tahun 2014, aku  beraya di Brockley. ...