Thursday, 17 May 2012

Support me for KFC..

What else i can do to reduce my weight? Liposuction?? Owhh no..ridiculous! Im not gonna do this. Many things that i can and i will do but totally NO for this suffer condition. Kalau banyak duit pun aku tak akan buat apatah lagi aku yang cuma kais pagi makan pagi ni weii..makan pil kurus? Juga bukan cara bagus nak diet...pergi jogging? Eeee tak suka....Err pergi gym? Ya ya ya...jumpa my personal instructor dan paksa dia ikut cara aku dan bukan aku ikut cara dia..basically a conversation will be like this:

Os aka Hoesni: Kak, saya datang pagi hari ni? Amacam..kita buat strectching? (ini sms lazim dia anta pada aku)
Aku: Eh tak boleh, akak ada keje luar..
Os: So bila akak free?
Aku: Nantilah..bebila..
Os: Huh, ada je alasan akak ni..
Aku: A ah sibuk. Ko apa tau..
Os: Ok baiklah! Saya berikrar saya akan buat akak datang jumpa saya one day nanti..
Jeng! jeng! 
Today im gonna see him (Os - The Gym Instructor) for a briefing of Kilos For Cash programme run by my office. I have no choice because im among the 'biggest' in office and im pretty sure how do you feel when everybody keep asking you: Eh bila nak diet? Pakai baju saiz apa? Jom pergi gym? Alaa dia ni orang dah cakap suruh diet..tak jalan la! Ok im sick of that and now ill do it because i really want to do, not because of peoples around me..not because of them. To be more pathetic, dik..ahkak ada banyak benda nak buat, so ahkak kena jaga kesihatan...ahkak nak travel, ahkak nak makan angin ahkak nak keluar dating dengan balak ahkak, ahkak nak kahwin ..bla! bla! bla! Bluerkkk....

This is a reminder from the organiser about KFC programme. Im one of the participant because my BMI  is worst!. So if you have any tips, story or secret about reduce weight, please share with me and i appreciate that. Your support will be the best MAGIC for me...

Dear Participants of Kilos for Cash (KFC),

You are required to attend the 1st Weigh In Session and Briefing by Dr. Rohaya & En. Hoesni that are schedule as details below:

Date: May 17, 2012

Time: 2.30 pm until 4.00 pm (Weigh In)
         4.00 pm until 4.30 pm (Briefing)

Venue : Training Room 3, Training Centre, 1st Floor

"Attendance is compulsory"

Thank you.

Plain yogurt and grapes..i know grapes is the enemy for those who has asthma  like me but i still wanna have it with yogurt. Tak pe..moderate sket..makan sikit tak akan jadi masalah..tell u what, the taste of plain yogurt is lil bit sour and for me...for the first attempt of having yogurt without any fruits..yuckkk! But i hv to think positive and think that yogurt is like tutti frutti walaupun bukan tuti fruti yg mahal itu, so i zass ziss zuss and now..yeahh i like it! Kalau rajin, chop chop saja anggur hijau ini...pun yummy juga. Boleh letak dry kismis, peach, papaya and strawberry...oh yea dare to be different..fried salmon and yogurt! Believe me...not bad!
Shida told me plain yogurt is among the best 'ice cream' for us. But i have to make sure, only plain yogurt and not yogurt with flavour because its contain sugar and sugar is totally bad for us. I can take sugar via eating fruits and fruits while fiber can supply me another vitamin like C, E etc..
I will update my progress in KFC from time to time and the entry will be a 'record' for my for today: (considere it as a figure before i start the KFC's programme)
Weight: 92 kg.
Height: 155cm
Blood Pressure: 120/85 (Due to last two weeks checked up)
Sugar level: 7 (Due to last two weeks checked up)


  1. kilo for cash?
    igt kentucky fried chicken tadi.hehe
    best jugak kalau ada program mcm ni. skrg sgt stress dgn org keliling yg suka tegur psl 'bentuk badan saya'.huhu

  2. salam LW,
    i pong klu diet mmg tak jln coz i love food so much..hahahah

  3. sudah kira amat bagus ni..semangat..semangat LW

    yeah..yeah..saya penyokong kuat u diet..

    Tips nak kurus..
    1) window shopping baju yang cantik2..mesti kena ada cut badan yang kena kuruslah kalau nak pakai
    2) buzy kan diri yang teramat buzy..penat sangat tak mau makan
    3) cari balak yang banyak komen pasal harus lah kena kurus kalau tak kena pok pek.
    4) las but not least..cara drastic..gerenti jadi..caranya..makan hati..dah makan hati sure tak makan nasi..tak lalu kurus lah kita kan..hehhehe

    LW pilihlah yang mana sesuai..

    jangan kurus sangat..Aurora suka didukong org2 tembam macam mak dia..hahha

  4. Irfa,
    Saya pun dalam kepala dok fikir KFC kentucky tapi kali ini kena tukar kepada kilo for cash. i kilo reduce dapat RM100..haaa lumayan tak? Tahun lepas saya masuk Kolestrol Challengge, dapat RM500 dan few hampers...ok le now nak masuk yang reduce weight pulak..antara tarikannya ialah hadiah wang tunai..hehe

  5. Blu4sky,
    I kalau nak kira dah more than RM20,000 beli program untuk kurus...tapi tak juga kurus...kali ni biar depa pulak bagi i duit kan sebab 1st prize winner akan dapat RM3000 cash and ipad! Vogue kan i nak duit tu...ekeke...sebab nak pergi makan angin..

  6. All Along The Way,
    Makan hati? Ahahaha...nak makan hati dengan siapa ya..ekeke..just kidding. Kenyataannya, susah hati ke, makan hati ke, makan nasi tetap berselera tapi kali ni i kena struggle sebab dok nampak prize winner will get RM3,000 cash and ipad..

    Hihi, itu Aurora mau yang macam cushion ya..comellah!

  7. good luck. semoga terus kurus mcm lisa sihanti


  8. Abg Zam,
    Kikiki kan...nanti Lisa surihani pun makan hati berulam jantung tengok aku later...bhahahaha!

  9. sat lagi jom dating dengan aku pekena cendol!

  10. laaa...ingatkan kentaki td.
    hehhe!! wish u luck dear...
    sy skrg ni pun tgh mendietkan diri jg ni...hv worst BMI also. heh~~~
    jom g gym.. ^__^

  11. my pray go along with you..
    good luck..

  12. Caiyok kak. Sy pun nak diet gak utk kesihatan. Sila update g cite yg ini. Best!

  13. wahhhhh... nak tahu gak progress nyer nanti.. =)

  14. SM,
    Ala ko neh saja nak usha supaya diet aku lari kan...sorry no cendol mamak at all...cendol is santan, santan is fat, fat is not good...wahhh gitewww lah falsafah aku sekarang. ko tak per la sekeping papan jerrr..ekekeke!

  15. Sa Fa Az,
    Jom...mengGYMkan me, the gym is at 2nd level while im at 4th level..gym nun turun dua tingkat jer tapi kalau dah perkataan m.a.l.a.s tu dok ada kat kepala..memang susah....tapi hari ni i kena combat semua tu supaya jadi r.a.j.i.n kan..jom pergi gym..we challenge each other...tapi i rasa my BMI more worst than u la dear...scary dah neh..huhu!

  16. Nenda,
    thanks for your support..really appreciate that! serious...:)

  17. Pok Amai Amai @ Farra?
    Apaaa???? Fara pun nak diet?? Ehh jangan awak dah cukup tinggi lampai, nanti kurus sangat tak cantik lah mama aydin ni...tapi make sure sihat ya..please diet with me and we make our victory together..yay!

  18. HaniAsyira,
    Ok Ok! I'll update more and more and make sure nanti tak boring dengan citer update nak kurus ni yer..hehe lucky you because you don't have to pls others to be with you..tak pe i know u going to support me kan..tq dear..muahh..xoxo!

  19. Haiii.. ^^

    alamat CC, no 12 jalam 2/7, taman desa saujana, 43000 sungai Merab Kajang.

    hihi, x sabar2

  20. Go go go go for it! Gummuck kaa kurus kaaa tuhs no 2. Yg paling penting sihat :) let's moving towards a better and healthy lifestyle [ also note to ourself ]. Anyways, kat sini selalu sgt pakai coat asyek sejuk memanjang so beli few masa sale. And kalau travel kat countryside biasanya mmg x ramai org sbb tempat tuhs luas so people roam around kut.

  21. Cik Cempaka,
    Ok noted. Tunggu tau..hihi

    Thanks! Thanks! Ok make sure sihat but i thinks u don't hv any problem with ur size kan..hehe..dua dua slim nampak...sejuk lagi best apa...tak payah nak risau pasal peluh tapi kalau tak berpeluh pun bahaya juga kan. Ok exercise pls! hihi..

  22. hoho yogurt yooo!!!
    what can u do to reduce ur weight?
    eat proper foods. :)
    with the right and balanced nutrition...hehe

  23. Mr Clive,
    ok thanks...sure will do...i dah confirm kena buat sebab target nak menang kan...hehe

  24. apa, kau ingat senang ke nak dapat orang yang sekeping tapi sweet macam aku ni??? (bukan aku kata)

  25. selamat dan semoga berjaya ye.

  26. SM,
    sweet kah? ahahahahaha..ok lah karang kalau aku kata ko sour, nanti kecik ati...

    Tepor Power,

  27. jangan lufer ajak puan saya sekali ek...bluwekkkkssss

  28. good.. good..

    akak byk menda nak buat..ha ha ha..statement best...

  29. Halym,
    fuan ko tak masuk ini contest kan...

    Nenet Penne,
    heheh...memang ada banyak mende..misi yang belum tercapai antaranya...


Beli je kat Jaya Grocer..

Beberapa hari lalu, sempat memenuhi jemputan Jaya Grocer Sunway sempena pelancaran empat label makanan yg cukup disukai ramai iaitu K Fry, V...