Wednesday 30 May 2012

Esprit the corp!

This is what we call coptic stitch binding..its a bit different with kettle stitch..i prefer kettle stitch because i can create a beautiful butterfly in a variety colour...i finished it in 3 hrs last nite and addicted with it.
I suppose to choose green colour to stitch this character of paper, but i didn't notice that blue is not really suit with army fabric. I know this is illegal to use this fabric, but i like it..someone gave it to me long time ago. If im not mistaken, that was the remnant of the fabric and the tailor presented it to me because i love the motif and colour itself..
As usual, i prefer to recycle all the items that i had..the camel button was taken from my khaki camel that i kept it as 'bahan recycle' in my wardrobe..the khaki can't fix anymore..don't know whether it was shrink or else im getting bigger and bigger..sigh!
 And again, from my eyes, an owl is really cute and unique because of it character... thinking who am i gonna give this book to??? If my father is 'still here', i will present it to him because he was an ex-wataniah..he was a very good in discipline in his way to educate us (me and siblings) how marching can educate us to have a good team work. You know, if one of us couldn't follow the step, the troop is not perfect and it ensemble that we don't have a spirit of unity @ no esprit the corp!

Talking about esprit the corp...i remember the thing when i was in Reserve Officer Training Unit (ROTU). That was a hard time because we had a battle with RELA and most of them was a lady...we had to pretend like we were in ambush scene and had to combat them. One of us threw a stone to the RELA group and it hurted the makcik who's in RELA group. Actually she was an orang asli women, took part in our training.

Her head was hurted and our commander did an emergency assembly. All of us became panic because we knew what will happened when someone hurt and it became more obvious because the makcik did a report to our PW1 (Pegaiwai Waran 1), Encik Lias.

"Kadet!! Cepat mengaku siapa lempar batu pada RELA tu?" Our commander, Kapt A shouted to us. All was like tunduk dan menikus macam ayam berak kapur, takut and suspen sebab kalau tak ada yang mengaku, semua kena punish.
"Cepat!!!! Aku kira satu sampai tiga, kalau tak ada juga, korang tahu apa korang kena buat!"




"Apa lagi? Full!!! Sapa tak full aku rendam lagi sampai korang kembang!!!" (Kami kena rendam dalam tasik yang airnya separas lutut, kena rendam full sampai basah from head to toe in army uniform..just imagines how funny and teruk the situation..dengan marching boots and backpack seberat 10 kg kat belakang, topi segala bagai, semua basah..grrrr..rasa nak telan kapten tu..)

In the end, nobody appeared and the makcik dissapointed because no one was blamed for that kinda tak senonoh punya ambush. Actually, we were had a secret agreement @ MOU to keep it as secret till last. If someone went to the front line and mengaku that he/she did it (threw the batu) we still kena punish or denda. Jadi instead of  takut, panic etc and confused because kapten tu suka buat tricky in his way nak test kami-kami, kita orang sepakat nak senyap and showed him that escprit the corp is important in a troop. Let say if the enemy caught us, no secret will be bocor from us and the captain was smile all the way sebab kami berjaya sepakat dan senyap tak bocorkan rahsia siapakah punya tangan yang melempar batu ke arah makcik RELA..

"Hmm korang bagus, aku saja nak test. Esok kalau musuh tangkap, tiada rahsia kerajaan keluar dari mulut korang. Makcik tu kirim salam, luka dia dah sembuh.."
"Yay!! We did it. Esprit the corp Capt!!!" And we jump higher and higher till we successfully commissioned as Young Officer...that's what esprit de corp meant to me...


  1. Tepuk tangan sbb hasil dr tangan halus akak! Sy sendiri kaku.

    ROTU? Takde makne la sy kak!!!!

  2. kreatifnya..boleh bagi saya satu tak?saya suka kraftangan macam ni ;)
    eeeeeeeeeeeee tak malunya irfa ni

  3. nice one kak.. banyak kali dah puji ni.. ekekeke..

    so, ckp kat sy saper baling batu tuh?? hik.hik..hik

  4. Irfa, ok ok saja...apa-apa hal roger saya di email...nanti kita bisik-bisik..hikhikhik!

  5. HaniAsyira,
    hehehe..nice eh..agak-agak sapa ya yang baling batu sembunyi tangan tu?? kehkehkeh...tak leh reveal nanti kapten kitorang terbaca karang ada meeting tergempar nak langsaikan rahsia berpuluh tahun lepas..:)

  6. Mommyfara @ Pok Amai Amai
    tq, ini halus tangan isi masa lapang..kalau boleh hari-hari nak buat sebab akak dah addict..

    ROTU best oo..di group inilah kita orang jadi segala bagai, pernah tak mandi seminggu...bayangkan...kambing lagi sedap baunya..ahak!

  7. orang tangan lembut sesuai untuk buat kraftangan.

  8. envynya u pandai buat ni... nak belajar jugaklah..nanti boleh buat album boleh ker??
    nanti nak letak gambar2 bersosial i tuh...

    rotu? wahhh cayalah..i tak ada nak masuk rotu ni sebab memikirkan kalau i period time training..mau tak terlarat... part 1 compulsary masuk KESATRIA..tu pun terpaksa sampai part 3 je..masuk part 4 terus masuk kebudayaan... dah tu kena buat persembahan teater pulak..masa tu lect nya ialah pelakon pi mai pi mai tang tu..pak busu... then terus dapat A gituh...

    so tak gitu minat berkawad, tu pasal selalu keluar baris... tapi masa sekolah menengah masuk girl guide

  9. SM,
    Tangan je lembut...Dan kalau dapat pelempang orang...err hati pun tarak lembut...kering adanya...hikhikhik!

  10. Nenet Penne,
    Boleh je, meh datang Windsor duduk sama vamp...lepas seminggu gerenti pandai..

    I masuk ROTU sbb nak allowance..tu yg jadi tarikan utama tapi lama2 I realized I masuk sbb memang minat dgn pasukan beruniform...sampai la ni suka abang trafik atau army..kalau yg Ada banyak paku kat bahu lagi boleh pandang..ahahahahaha gediksss!

  11. hohoho...setail giler.tu barulah namanyaa team spirit...hehe... :)

  12. Mr Clive,
    Kan..biar pecah di perut, jangan pecah di mulut...

  13. yang sebenarnya tadi pagi aku dah komen pjg berdepa-depa.. tapi ntah line berukband ini memang suka buat dajal dan komen yg pjg berjela itu tak kesampampaian :(

    apa pun aku rasa macam aku baca kisah dlm movie askar jer baca citer di atas.. :)

  14. Nong Andy,
    aku pun heran, bila aku tengok email, ada komen kau dalam email tapi bila tengok di blog, nehi! nehi! nehi! sabar ya..berukband itu mau main cak-cak sama kau..

    ya begitulah kisah aku masa kami buat pelajaran ambush di sebuah hutan di negeri sembilan. ketika itu hujan lebat dan kami pakai uniform army full dengan water bottle, backpack etc. senario berkenaan benar2 membuatkan kami berasa seperti di medan perang..

  15. memang kreatif bile tengok design buku tu.. guna button.. chopstick? cantik.. give it to the most important person r camtu.. leh jadi hadiah yang bermakna =)

  16. Kay_are,
    bukan chopstick, coptic... calon yang nak diberikan dah ada..cuma belum dipos saja lagi..harap calon berkenaan suka dengan hadiah yang akak nak bagi dia ni..

  17. i minat badan beruniform tapi tak minat nak kawad2 tu semua... boleh? ha haha...

    kalau duduk dgn u seminggu..mesti u masakkan i mcm2 kan?? he heh e

  18. Nenet Penne
    hehehe..i suka tengok brader traffik..kan uniform depa putih seluar pulak hitam ada jalur kat tepi..nampak macam gojes...bhahahaha..gediks!

    ehh mestilah u...dapur i kan semua ada...ngeeee:)u nak makan apa semua ada...

  19. haaa dahlah gorges, tegap dan tinggi pulak..bawak motorsikal yang berkuasa tinggi tu..
    oh abang polis trafic, i lap u...ha haha..

    dapur u tu serba serbi lah ada...

  20. Nenet Penne,'
    Ingat tak ada dua Special Agent yang I pernah tepek dekat entry terdahulu..haaa macam tu pun i suka..haha


Aidiladha beberapa tahun ini..

 Tiba-tiba teringat pasal sate pulak tengah hari ni.. Aidiladha aku tak pernah sama setiap tahun. Pada tahun 2014, aku  beraya di Brockley. ...