Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Quote for today...

“One day you will ask me which is more important? My life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life.”
Khalil Gibran


  1. you need to tell everyone that you've met, they're your life. but how?

  2. its depend on how we manage it..how we see it and how we think of it..and the most important is how we feel it..then we'll know...

  3. i always tell him that he is my life..

  4. NP: great! bcoz u hv chance to tell him..

  5. as long as you're not regret of what you've done...

  6. as for me, i shall say...absolutely nope..

  7. khalil gibran eh? macam pernah dgr...but never know who he is..

  8. Mak aih....arini komen omputih la....yg miss norul pun speaking omputih.

  9. sambungan;
    i always tell him that he is my life but in future i dont know who is going to be my life.. muahahahaha...
    one day expired jugak.... iya dok???

  10. MZ: Khalil Gibran is a famous laureate in the world, lebanon born and died in new york.

    MF: hari ni we alls saja feeling2 UK..ahahah, nak cakap jepun ka apa..sumer buleh..

    NP: yeah lets pray for good..may HE give us a 'good life' in future..

  11. MF: tiap kali aku aku baca komen dalam entri ni, aku akan pastikan dalam tangan aku ada kamus dwibahasa english-jawa

  12. SM: Excellent! I got 4 english dictionaries, French and Arabic language dict + digital dict....pls do not worry about the grammar or sentence..you are free to talk about anything here..we are not in classroom..eh ngko..layan je..haku pun pasar + tokan punya BI la beb! Kalau ada cikgu BI baca entry aku musti kena ketawa gelak-guling...ahh pedulikan...

  13. LW: hahaha...! percaya je kau ni aku ada kamus english-jawa.

  14. SM: itulah...aku sentiasa kena tipu sebab selalu buat muka poyo, konon percaya! Aku tak rugi pun..hahaha!

  15. sapa yg makruh tu? pentipu atau tertipu?

  16. si tipah la beb...

  17. Eiii...seingat aku x ada watak tipah dalam skrip aku....a hahaha!


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